The most amazing company to work with. Personal customer service, personal help with delivery and sorting orders, always on time delivery, pro forma email reminders/posters/order forms, fill-in-the blanks no brainer pro forma spreadsheets for final orders. They do everything for you except collect the orders. I look forward to working with this family every year.

UMC Youth Group

We never made more than $400 using other fund raising products and our first time using Butter Braids we made $2,200.

Youth Bowling Director

We made a profit of over $25,000 in just 2 weeks of sales; it was easy and people love the product.

Christian School

They were very organized and on delivery day we handed out 700 braids in 30 minutes!

Church School Leader

Our scholarship program is funded by selling Butter Braid products twice a year. Last year we made $8,800!

Lutheran Preschool

We’ve sold Butter Braid pastries for the past 4 years. Our parents don’t want to sell anything else! H.S Band Booster

Our Gymnastics team averaged 18 braids per person and we made over $1300. This was by far the best fund raiser we’ve ever run! Gymnastics Club

Your feedback is important to us

We want to hear from you with any feedback you might have about your experience working with Sound Fundraising, the products we offer in our fundraisers, or anything else you may want to share with us.

Contact us today with any questions you have regarding any of our fundraising programs, our delivery schedule or to inquire for more information.

Phone numbers:
(206) 934-1488


We are open:
Monday – Friday 8 AM – 5 PM

Write about your experience.

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