Planning for the Distribution of your Fundraising Products
  1. Sort order forms alphabetically and/or by class
  2. Order form columns should be totaled to the bottom and the “Total Units” box filled in
    Tabulate the totals using a spare order form or use the online spreadsheet via the link that was sent to you via your confirmation email. Call or email us if you need the link resent to you.
  3. You may round up your order to even cases (6 units per case) if you would like to have extras on-hand for late orders or if your group would like to have additional product to sell after delivery
  4. Email the Excel spreadsheet or call us with your final order. If you used the link that was sent to you, follow the directions given on the site.
  5. Contact volunteers to help us sort orders:
              Less than 500 units = 1-2 volunteers
              500-1500 units = 4-8 volunteers
              1500-2000 units = 10-15 volunteers
              2000+ units = Call us for suggestions on volunteers

Delivery Day

  1. Please pick an area for delivery without steps and close to an outside door
  2. Setup the area with 2 long tables end-to-end forming a straight assembly line. For deliveries over 1500 units, setup multiple rows of tables. Orders over 300 units will arrive presorted and labeled with the seller’s name on the boxes
  3. We will assemble the fundraising items in order by flavor on the tables and verify the count with you prior to sorting any orders
  4. Volunteers work in pairs. One person reads the order form (Reader) and one person picks the order (Picker). Our boxes are used for packaging to keep the product cold
  5. We will check orders and pack them at the end of the assembly line for you
  6. Volunteers can write names on boxes after assembly is complete


  1. You may have no-shows or absentees the day of delivery so have a storage plan in place
  2. Butter Braid pastries is fine out of the freezer for 3 – 4 hours
  3. Have your participants bring coolers if it will be more than 4 hours before they can be delivered or stored in a freezer
  4. Pastries can be stored in a cooler with dry ice from the grocery fish department if they do not have room in a freezer

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