Why can't I buy Butter Braid pastries in the stores?
By offering them exclusively through fundraising, superior quality is maintained and each customer is guaranteed a fresh product. Butter Braid products are a hand-braided pastry made in Iowa, flash frozen and shipped in just for your group. Limited availability is also important to keep demand high and increase profits for our fundraising groups.
Can Sound Fundraising ship out of state?
Sound Fundraising cannot ship product out of state.
How long does this fundraiser take?
The time spent on your fundraiser can be as long or as short as needed for your group. We have found that all the time you really need for a successful fundraiser is about 3 – 3.5 weeks. Sell for two weeks, tally your totals and then give us a call with the totals. One week later we can deliver. It’s simple, fast and fun!
What should I expect at delivery?
Our job is to assist you and make things as easy as possible. First off we will find you and introduce ourselves. Secondly we will verify totals with you and count to make sure that what we are delivering is what you had ordered. Next we will assist you in dividing the orders by the individuals that sold. Should there be an error or a late order we are able to fix the error and/ or fill the late order on the spot.

Butter Braid pastries come packaged in small cardboard boxes that are easy to carry and help to keep them cold. We strive to make this the least amount of work for you and a profitable painless experience.

What is the cost for delivery?

There are delivery minimums set for your location. If your group sells the minimum required for the free delivery there are no charges to be concerned about for the delivery. If your group does not meet the minimums, the best option is to call our office (303-688-1780) to discuss other options. The last thing we want to do is to charge your group a delivery fee that ends up taking funds from the group.

Are your products kosher?

At this time the Butter Braid® brand products are not kosher.

How long do I have to get my order into a freezer?

Starting from the time of delivery you have a 4.5 hr window to get your Butter Braid pastry order back into the freezer. If you need more time bring a cooler.

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